
Running A Small Business Can Be Tough

Many small businesses are going through a very rough time. The PPP loan has come and gone, and the most unfortunate thing is that many small businesses that truly needed the PPP loan help could not get the documents needed to get qualified and so the loan could not help those that truly needed the loan. That brings many small businesses back to square one and to the drawing board. Many of these hardworking business champions continue to suffer. Many employees do not know what some of their bosses are going through. Business ownership is both rewarding and frustrating. When everything works out very well, the business owner gets rewarded. But when it’s Thursday afternoon and it’s pay day the next day on Friday and there’s only $1650 in the bank. The business owner is the only one that must figure out how and where to get the money to make payroll and pay the taxes. Like everyone know, in the United States, there’s two types of bills that MUST be paid when due and cannot be deferred. The two bills are 1. Your employees’ salary and no 2. The taxes due to be paid. These two bills cannot be deferred. So, what solution do businesses have now? The banks won’t help you when you really need help. Banks only gives money to those that already have money. That is why we are trying to assist as many businesses as possible. Matter of fact, the Bank Breezy Funding Program is the only program of its kind in the whole of the United States. Many small business owners’ credit score have been destroyed while struggling to keep their businesses afloat. So, if you don’t have a good credit and don’t have a massive revenue, banks will not give you loans. But when it’s Thursday afternoon and you have no money to keep your business afloat, our program is the only program that can give you money immediately. How It Works When you are in that tight corner financially, you simply complete a simple 1-page application that doesn’t ask too much information from you. Send it in and the bank people will reach out to you if there’s something that needs to be clarified over the phone. You upload the required information and boom…you are approved, and the funds are deposited in your account before the end of the business day.
You just need simple qualifications for this funding program and your credit is not
I will encourage every businessperson to apply and see what they can qualify for. Also, if you know anyone who has a business and needs help, please send them our link to see what they can qualify for. Please pass the word around and try to help everyone you can and just pass this link to them and God bless you.

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